
Feeding the baby in the fourth month

Proper feeding of the baby It is important to know how and when to enter food for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast feeding for the first six months after delivery, and is fully dependent, but most children between the ages of 4 months to 6 months show a willingness to start eating solid foods as a supplement to breastfeeding or [1] It is best to wait until the baby is six months old before the food is served, because the mother's milk contains enough nutrients until the age of 6 months. This helps ensure that they have full health benefits from breastfeeding [6] Six months later, mother's milk or artificial substitutes will not be sufficient for the child to cover his / her food needs, especially iron. [3] However, if the mother feels that the baby is ready for food six months ago, Of solids. [2] Introduction of solids very early The introduction of solids very early - that is, before the age of 4 months - leads to the following risks: [4] Ente...

how much baby food for 6 month old

Child in the fifth month  The fifth month of the child's life experiences many changes and developments at all levels. It can begin to roll, which will then help it crawl, sit, and then walk in the months ahead. As the baby becomes more aware of its outer environment , But it must be borne in mind that each child is different in growth due to several factors, most notably genetic factors. Child growth in the fifth month motor skills  The child can sit in a straight position for as long as a minute, but he may need to be tied to some pillows. He can roll from his back to his stomach. He can lift a 90-degree head on his arms when he is placed on his stomach, And move it skillfully between the hands, and may try to bring them closer to his eyes or mouth, as he can hold the breast with his hands, and combined his hands with each other and constipation feet.

Stages of growth in the child

The nature of human growth  The formation of the human body begins from the moment of the confluence of male gametes in the female gamet in the womb of the mother and follows a path of changes that qualifies him to be a human being. He is a natural person who performs all his physical and mental activities easily and easily. As a child, he undergoes constant changes that result in his changing age and mental development. His constant state of static is not fixed, and is subjected to physical development anatomical and mental cognitive, emotional and social, so as to ensure the identification of individual personality and behavioral and skill building, and does not stop the process of evolution at a certain stage, But it begins to slow down in later stages of life, in response to the year of life of the pyramid and aging and then death. The process of growth is the series of changes within the life cycle of a living person from the moment of zygote formation to death. It can...